
Showing posts from 2013

Globalizaton economic

tomorrow or the next day only can be imagined and can not be ascertained. The future can not be foreseen. Humans can only control effectively forces that shape the future today this.

Money and Marchandise

Money make some people be happy and have a high standing in social community. not many people willing to go through all the effort to get it, grade level in today's society is determined by the accumulation of wealth. There arose the poor remain poor and the rich get richer. all of these can not be separated from social conditions, where ideology is the ideology competisi applied which resulted in the interest of developed countries to market the results of production.while in the third world countries is a major market for the trade of developed countries as well as a source of highly productive land and to exploit its natural wealth. in the history of money is a medium of exchange to facilitate the execution of the sale and purchase but in its development is getting changed to domination both hoarding and accumulation.

politics and education

education politics or the politics of education is the study of the relationship between the emergence of a variety of educational purposes in a way - the mode of delivery . This study is more focused on the power that drives the achievement of educational goals and how and where the devices will be directed . Education policy studies concentrated on the role of the State in the field of education , so as to explain the assumptions and intent of educational change strategies in a society more politically baik.Kajian education can provide a better understanding of the link between the various needs of the State politics with the issue - the practical issues daily at school ; class awareness ; concerning various forms of domination and subordination that is being built through education .